If you would prefer to seek help and support outside of the university, here are contact details for some relevant organisations: 

Veritas Justice 
The specialist stalking advocacy services for Sussex is provided by Veritas Justice.  To make a referral or for enquiries please email: info@veritas-justice.co.uk or please call: 01273 234773.  For further information: veritas-justice.co.uk
Victim Support 
Specialist domestic abuse support for Brighton & Hove.  They will provide independent information, advice, support & advocacy to victims and survivors of domestic abuse including: 
  • 1-2-1 casework support from trained Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs) 
  • Hospital IDVA based at the Royal Sussex County Hospital 
  • Criminal Justice IDVA to provide support through the criminal justice system. 
You can contact Victim Support in the following ways: 
  • Telephone 0300 323 9985, Monday - Friday 9am-5pm  
  • 24/7 helpline & webchat support line on 0808 1689111.   
CGL (Change Grow Live) 
Specialist domestic abuse support for East Sussex.   
  • Telephone 0300 323 9985, Monday - Friday 9am-5pm 
  • Email: ESDomesticAbuse.Info@cgl.org.uk 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened